Focus Drill User Guide

User Guide for First-Time Golf Fix Users

What is a Focus Drill?

It's a feature that allows you to improve the part of your swing that you want to fix through repeated practice.

User Guide

How to use "Focus Drill”

Select "Focus Drill" from the Analysis tab at the bottom of the Golf Fix screen.

Choose the theme you want to improve from a variety of prepared [Drill themes]. (Different drills are available for face-on and DTL views.)

To practice efficiently, be sure to read the image and description of the problem and press [Select options].

The key to "Focus Drill" is repetition. After selecting the number of practices and clubs, press [OK].

Place your phone in a suitable position to record your swing and press [START]. Be careful not to shake the phone while recording, and it is better to use a phone holder.

Assume your address posture in the "Address" step. When you hear the 'ding~' sound, start swinging.

The analysis results are displayed every time you swing.

Once you have completed all of the selected practice swings, you can see the final result.

Using "Focus Drill" after Analysis

If you find a problem in the analyzed swing that you want to fix, try using the "Focus Drill" feature right away.

Golf Swing Analysis with Golf Fix

Golf Swing Recording Guide.

App Settings for Left-Handed